Japan --- Go around Japan !: Morning view on the street


Morning view on the street

Today waked up earlier, 6:30am, just walked around on the street with friends.

 Here is  Waseda area (早稲田・わせだ)。 Waseda the area have one very popular private university ,named  Waseda university (早稲田大学・わせだだいがく)。 Lots of wellknown actresses, actors, aritists in japan graduated this university.

  You can check the link below , all showed you wellknown japanese  who graduated this university. But all are japanese language inside of the link, take fun here!

 At morning time, people were few walking on the street. Today have waseda street event. You can see this advertise board , they wrote detail about event.

The photo on the left , 2 japanese little girls (primer students) were going to school. Their unifor  is common dress for primer students in japan, they usually wear the same style dress, hat, and bag on the back, very cute! I never seen those bags for students in other countries, the bag is square, and can put lots of books inside.                                                                                                                                                       
 The photo on the right, they were doing repare street .                                   

On the street at earlier moning, maybe just see people not much, but if you use subway, you will surprise that it is creasy crowd, many people just push their body inside of train . Japanese joke will say this style on the train ,called  Onigiri style (おにぎり)。Onigiri is the kind of rice in japan what you can buy or see at any stores, supermarkets, or convinence stores.

This photo is buddhism in japan. Japanese buddhism is rare seen on the street , they are most rare show in public place in big city, maybe rare to foreigners to see too, I guess.  In japan, some times people say, that if you want to be richer, and do not want to work too hard, maybe it is good way to be japanese buddhism. Because,  japanese buddhism , they do not keep strict traditional rule for life. They can enjoy achocol, any meats, driving, can marry too.                                                                                                                     
 But in china or other asian country , rule is very strice to buddhasim, in japan is very different. They just take one class for talking about buddhasim (1 -2 hours),then will get around  $2000 or more (depend on your grade) ,tax free. In japan, about religion ,all of income are free tax.       
This photo ,I took nerviously when I just walked acrossed the buddhasim . Because they usually do not like be taken photo.                 


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