Japan --- Go around Japan !: Sushi (寿司・すし) in japan


Sushi (寿司・すし) in japan

Sushi ( 寿司・すし) is the most popular, wellknow food of japan in the world.

They always use very fresh fish , soft rice making sushi.
By the way, have you been visited the morning fishing market in tokyo? The place is called TUKIZI    ICHIBA ( 築地市場・つきじいちば). There show you how owners of sushi stores choice or purchase fish or other see foods , how they discussion price , etc. It is the one of  most  interesting spots in japan too. If you want to eat real, fresh, good Sushi, please take time to Tukizi Ichiba.

 Well, let's enjoy photoes here first .

 Here is the entrance at Tukizi (築地・つきじ).  Owners of sushi or japanese foods resturants ,sotres ,they usually wake up 4am , then gather to there choose most fresh, good sea foods, fishes.

Workers who work in Tukizi , they use the little cars moving or carry products.

On the left photo, someone using machine try to cut big fish. 

  Lots of fishes, sea foods on the tables.

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