Japan --- Go around Japan !: ShinJuku Of Tokyo


ShinJuku Of Tokyo

   Hot everyday in Tokyo. Today is 38℃,   came to ShinJuku ( 新宿・しんじゅく).

   I entered the one building , there have Citybank for international aount. It is faciliment bank in Japan.
   Usually, if you already go out of japan, and need transfer or saving with bank acount, japanese bank alaways need your citizen proof paper which only can get from city hall. But citybank is opened in japan couple years ago, very convinence to people who have no citizen address in japan but need bank acount, or need transfer when work ,study abroad countries.  
     The citybank is at 25floors. I view outside from windows, woooow, can view all of tokyo here. Very funny builiding you can see easily here.


I down the elevator ,walked on the street. Just felt much people, much cars, much building... those narrowed my eye's view, little pressure.                                                                            


Look this.... big colorful watch on the building...
Very interesting!
Well, you never forget your time now!!!

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